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The McIntosh Law Firm The McIntosh Law Firm
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The Angels We Do Not Notice


The Lake Norman area is blessed to have many of the finest minds in our state at work right here … producing, creating jobs, attending to the needs of our community and our customers and clients. There is no shortage of “Best of” recognitions in our area … and they are each one valuable and well-earned.

Our Firm spends a great deal of time and effort marketing to the community to let them know what we do, how we do it, and what sets us apart. I want to take just a minute to talk about an associated business that does NOT get much recognition, but is vital to the health of our area. A business that often goes unheralded, but one that is at the core of who we are as a community, and one where we are particularly blessed with competent and compassionate resources. These Angels lead with their minds as well as their hearts.

Many of you may know that my family and I very recently and very suddenly needed the services of a funeral home. For over 35 years I have worked with all of the 3 major funeral homes in our area: Cavin-Cook (Mooresville), James (Huntersville), and Raymer-Kepner (Huntersville) and been impressed with their services at EVERY encounter. They are all three fabulous in their own rights, but they also work together to provide the services necessary to stunned and grieving families.

We had need of two different ones, and they obliged us in the most compassionate, caring, and seamless fashion. It is my considered opinion that the reason these three businesses stand out with such distinction is that John Kepner, Sam James, and Mike Cook take a personal touch to their arts and they are all three businessmen of extraordinary competence and conscience. No time is a bad time to call for them. I cannot tell you how many times I heard, “Whatever you need, Bob” – some of the most comforting words at the darkest and most vulnerable time of my life.

In times of crisis and tragedy, people will tell you that they are praying for you. They are. Others will ask you what can they do; and they are being genuine. The Bible tells us that God and His angels are close; they are – and sometimes those Angels are from James, Raymer-Kepner, and Cavin-Cook. May God bless you all for the comfort you bring to those who mourn.

Bob McIntosh, Managing Partner

The McIntosh Law Firm, P.C.

